Walter Russell Books at Great Prices
At, we carry almost all Russell books currently in print. Only our most popular Russell books are listed on this page.
Click Here to learn a little about Walter Russell.
While we’re seeing significant price inflation on just about everything, prices have dropped for some of the most popular Russell books!
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See More Russell Books Here
The Universal One by Walter Russell
The definitive Walter Russell book, a beautiful hardback reprint of the scientific treatise that Russell sent to over 500 of the nation’s leading scientists and physicists in 1926. The original was not hardback. It was finally released to the general public in this hardback edition in 1974. It was then sold for $250. This is an exact reprint of that hardback book, printed by the Walter Russell organization. This book once sold for $250! Our Russell books are all official, not bootleg reprints.
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$75 (down from $100)
The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe
This incredible biography of Walter Russell by Glenn Clark is full of Universal Truth. It is the book that introduces most people to the Russell work. You’ll love it! And you’ll get more out of it every time you read it. Quantity discounts available at checkout, because people love to give this book away!
Hardback $12
Books by Walter Russell and His Wife, Lao
The Secret of Working Knowingly With God -Walter Russell
This is from a lecture Russell gave shortly after The Man Who Tapped… was released. I highly recommend it as a companion booklet to The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe.
Genius Inherent In Everyone by Walter Russell
“Mediocrity is self-inflicted; genius is self-bestowed. The choice is yours.” Walter Russell explains the process of unfolding one’s inherent genius through application of universal principles.
Your Day & Night by Walter Russell
A Salutation to the Day and to the Night
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 1 by Walter Russell
Part 1 of the beautiful Russell philosophy in which Russell reveals to mankind the message given to him by the Universal One.
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 2 by Walter Russell
Part 2 of the Russell philosophy. Although scientifically inclined people tend to want to go straight to The Secret of Light and the other Russell science books, all of the science is based on The Divine Iliad.
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volumes 1 & 2 by Walter Russell
Get both volumes of the Divine Iliad and save 10%.
Atomic Suicide by Walter & Lao Russell Russell evolves his philosophy into and through his spiritual science. The understandings Russell expresses in this book are inspiring and profound. A classic. 304 pages $25

In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation, compiled by Tim Binder and Walter Russell
A collection of Russell’s beautiful and incredible scientific art and illustrations, all in their original color. This is the original sacred geometry. Walter Russell had the ability to express his understandings of the science of Creation in his art as well as in words.
$20 (this beautiful book was $35 when it was originally printed.)
Why You Cannot Die!
Reincarnation Explained by Lao Russell
This book has been out of print for years and is finally available in a beautiful new edition. It is a beautiful new hardback edition, but does not come with the yellow paper jacket.
God Will Work With You but not For You
by Lao Russell
Walter Russell’s wife was quite an illumined being herself and her book is evidence of it. The title speaks for itself. Lao’s teachings fit in beautifully with Dr. Russell’s teachings
Remembered for Love: Lao Russell of Swannanoa by JB Yount
This wonderful biography of Lao Russell will give you her life story from childhood through her years as Walter Russell’s wife and as “the mother” of his published works. My wife, Jill, and I knew Lao personally, but this book gave us much more insight into the amazing and beautiful woman. We highly suggest it.
Think: The First Principle of Business Ethics by Walter Russell
This is a collection of lectures Russell gave for IBM in the 1930s. Powerful and thought provoking.
The Secret of Light by Walter Russell
Russell evolves his philosophy into and through his spiritual science. The understandings Russell expresses in this book are inspiring and profound. A classic.
A New Concept of the Universe by Walter Russell
An Open Letter to the world of science. This scientific treatise was sent out in 1953 to the world’s leading scientists, as a follow-up to The Universal One. Russell corrected what he felt were errors in The Universal One and added his every-evolving understandings of the science of Creation.“The Russell Cosmogony with its new concepts of light, matter, energy, electricity and magnetism is a simple yet complete, consistent and workable cosmogony which will enable future scientists to visualize the universe as a unified whole, and will open the door to the New Age of Transmutation.” -Walter Russell
A Worthy Messenger: The Life Work of Walter Russell
The First Edition of Walter Russell’s definitive biography, written by a man who knew him.
by Charles Hardy
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The Universal Law Home Study Course
by Walter & Lao Russell
This is the Third Edition of the Russell Universal Law Home Study Course, which is the last edition worked on only by the Russells. The Russells designed it for you to study one unit per month for a year, but we will send it all at once, unless you advise otherwise.
I highly recommend this Course if you want to learn more about the Russell teachings. Give a detailed table of contents and description of the Course by clicking on the link above.
It now comes in a beautiful three-ring binder. However, it’s not usually practical to mail the binder Internally.
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Table of Contents
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SAVE ON Russell Book SETS
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The Walter Russell Intro Book Set
- The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe (hardback)
- Genius Inherent in Everyone,
- The Secret of Working Knowingly with God
Introduction to Walter Russell and his teachings. When you finish these, you’ll know if you want to learn more, and you most likely will! Get all three and save $3 off retail.
The Core Book Set of the Russell Philosophy – Two or Three Hardbacks
Save $7 when you get all three books.
The Message of Divine Iliad Volumes 1 & 2 by Walter Russell
God Will Work With You but not For You by Lao Russell (his wife)
These books represent the Russell philosophy. All of the Russell science is based on their philosophy, so even if you’re interested in the science, I suggest you read these first.
The Message of the Divine Iliad Volumes 1 & 2 by Walter Russell
Get Both Divine Iliad Volumes
(Save $5)
The Basic Russell Science Book Set
The Secret of Light
Atomic Suicide?
$45 (save $5)
The Master Russell Science Book Set
Get all three and save $15
- The Universal One
- A New Concept of the Universe
- In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation compiled by Dr. Tim Binder
The Universal One & A New Concept of the Universe are scientific treatise in which Russell shares his understandings with the world of science.
In the Wave… is a compilation of Russell’s scientific art & illustrations, in their original colors, with a brief summary of the Russell cosmology. Get all three and save $10. Reg. Retail is $95. Shipping options will be given a check-out.
Core Russell Philosophy & Science Set- 14 Books
Get All the Books Listed Above, plus Remembered for Love (Lao’s wonderful biography), Think, & Your Day & Night. That’s a retail value of $357 for 14 books at only $321. You save $36.
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They’re all listed, with brief descriptions, at
Get the Complete Russell Set!
Get Free Shipping Within the US on the Complete Set of Russell Books
If you want everything currently available from Lao & Walter Russell, this is for you. You’ll save over $79 plus you’ll get free shipping within the US! We will pay a portion of the shipping cost for International shipments, the cost of which is always going up.
When you check out, you’ll even get an option to add the Third Edition of the Russell Home Study Course for $212.50. The Regular Price is $250.
This Complete Russell Set includes is 30 books and booklets. If you’d like to see a complete listing of all books you’ll get, plus the Home Study Course if you choose, Click Here.
I’ve taken out most booklets that are excerpts from other books by Lao & Walter Russell. If you want those too, we have them available. Just ask.
Click Here to Add the Complete Set of 30 Russell Books & Booklets for $394.00 and save $44, PLUS we’ll pay shipping within the US. International Shipping Rates will be significant, as they keep going up in price, but we’ll pay a portion of that cost.
Photo of Walter Russell on top of the page courtesy of the University of Science and Philosophy.
For those who treasure this work, there’s even a special limited edition of the course available in three oversized hardbound faux-leather books inside a custom slipcase—similar to how The Universal One was once offered.
? This exclusive edition is available as a donation-based offer. Click Here to learn more and take advantage of these incredible opportunities.
Use our Secure Shopping Cart system to order any of these books online, or feel free to call us toll-free from within the US and Canada at 1-877-DOWSING (1-877-369-7464).
From outside the US & Canada, call at 1-706-733-0204.
Photo of Walter Russell on top of the page courtesy of the University of Science & Philosophy.