
New Videos about Joey Korn’s Work


Image from Postscript Part 1In this two-part video, John L. Petersen of the Arlington Institute interviews me about my work with Spiritual Dowsing & the Blessing Process. I begin with the basics of dowsing, how I think it works, and evolve into my work with others through my Remote Spiritual Housecleaning services. I even explain how some energies can cause paranormal experiences. Click Here to watch the new videos.… Read more here...

Book & DVD Deal-Get Joey’s Book for Free!

The official First Edition of Joey’s newly revised book, Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment is available now!  Or, better than that, get Joey & Jill’s new package deal below for only $40, including:

          • Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment Revised Edition,
          • Joey’s Lecture DVD: “Divine Wizardry,”
          • And Two Audio CDs of radio interviews about Joey’s work.
          • Includes Shipping within the US (a small extra charge for International shipping)

Get all this for only $40.  Read more here...

Joey Korn Interview for the Global Dowsing Hub

HealingNexusHeader  Kathy Wilson interviewed me again on February 18 for her Global Dowsing Hub meeting.  My focus was on personal energy clearing and space clearing with the Simple Blessing Process, which is the basis of my work.  I call it “Spiritual Space Clearing from the Inside Out.”  Even though only members of the group could participate, Kathy has made it possible for you to listen now.  … Read more here...

Video Interview – Spiritual Dowsing and the Blessing Process with Joey Korn Part 2

Joey Korn Spiritual Dowser Interview

Spiritual Space Clearing with Joey Korn