
Joey & Jill’s First Florida Retreat in the Nature Coast of Florida

Joey & Jill Korn’s Nature Coast Retreat

Spiritual Dowsing & the Blessing Process to Transform Your Life

Retreat Days-April 5-10 with Optional Pleasure Days-April 10-12

Crystal River, FL

Join us for our first retreat since we moved to Crystal River Florida. We’ll have transformation teaching mixed with LOTS OF PLEASURE. Click here to learn more.Read more here...

A Global Silent Pandemic and How to Clear It with Joey Korn: Do Your Own Energy Clearing & Space Clearing the Easy Way!

This Video Is Still Available.  I presented this Transition Talk on January 28th, 2023, at the Arlington Institute, in Berkeley Springs, WV. I can give you access to this 2 1/2-hour presentation, that literally has the potential change your life and the lives of your loved ones. No hype!  This is real! Once you have access, you can save it and have permanent access to it.
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We Are Energy Beings, Living in a World of Energy, and We Change the Energies Within and Around Us with Our Changing Focus of Thought and Emotion.

We are energy beings, living in a world or Universe of energy, and we’re changing the world of energy with every changing focus of thought and emotion.  We can learn to take charge of this process and create energy environments, within and around us,  that support what we want to bring into our lives, rather than what we don’t want.  This is the main point I try to make in all my teachings. 
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Video Interview – Spiritual Dowsing and the Blessing Process with Joey Korn Part 2

Joey Korn Spiritual Dowser Interview

Spiritual Space Clearing with Joey Korn