Dowsing Books, Dowsing Kits, & DVDs

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Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment

Revised Edition by Joey Korn Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment

Get more details about my book.

Available wholesale to resellers

The official First Edition of my revised book is available now.

Click here to learn more.




Get This Special Package Deal

  • Joey’s book, Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment
  • One of Joey’s Lecture DVD’s
  • Two audio CDS of Interviews of Joey


Dowsing: Joey Korn Lecture DVD
“Divine Wizardry”

Balance your energies with blessing work, and not only it will automatically balance the energies of your home that are related to you, it will also help you change your life.

DVD of Joey’s Lecture at the Southwest Dowsing Conference in October 2013

Joey cuts through the mustard and shares his understandings about the true nature of detrimental Earth energies that many people think causes illness and other problems in our lives, what some call “geopathic stress.” It’s really the other way around. Our our own energy imbalances, from our struggles and strains in life, reflect out into the energies of our home as detrimental Earth energies.

Includes Shipping within the US


Get Both DVDs for One Low Price
Including Shipping Within US

Get Both DVDs of Joey’s lectures, sharing his latest insights and understandings.

Dowsing: Joey Korn Lecture DVD

“Maintaining Energetic Balance in Your Life”

DVD of Joey’s Lecture at Swannanoa Palace (former home of and Headquarters of Walter & Lao Russell)

Joey shares his spiritual journey, telling how he came to his current understandings about dowsing and energy work. He ties in the Russell teachings and his “Kabbalah connection to dowsing.” Learn more about this video and watch excerpts by clicking here.


Including Shipping anywhere in the world


Letter to Robin is now in six volumes. We are out of stock of Volume 1, and we do not have a current supplier. You can find it and print it out for free by clicking here.  It’s available there in five different languages.


You can get Volume 2 below and then you can add Volumes  3, 4, 5 and 6 for only $5 each.  We do have a few damaged copies of Volume 1.  We’ll include one for free with the first few orders of Volumes 2-6.

Letter to Robin – by Walt Woods

This is the best ser

Dowsing Kits

Joey’s Regular Dowsing Kit

Includes new revised edition of Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment, Two Audio CDs, “Two Lights of the Soul” and “Change Your Energies, Change Your Life,” a pair of Bob Slack L-rods, and a quality pendulum. Everything you need to do the work.

Regularly $56   Save $6


Deluxe Dowsing Kit-1

Joey’s Deluxe Dowsing Kit

Includes Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment, two audio CDs, a pair of Joey’s signature Portable L-rods with pouch, and a metal Pendulum.

Everything you need to do the work, with extra quality.

You’ll love the portable rods.

Retail Value $76 Save $10


Letter to Robin: A Mini-Course in Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum Dowsing Series of Booklets

This the best series of booklets I’ve found on pendulum dowsing. We are out of stock of “Letter to Robin Volume One”, and we do not have a current supplier. We currently have a few each of Volumes 2-6. You can download it for free at
Volume 2 is the “Learning to Dowse-Student Guide with Teacher’s Syllabus and Personal Dowsing.” Get Volume 2 for Only $10.00, including shipping within the US.You can also add Volumes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for $5 each, including shipping, after you add Volume 2 to your order. We may have to contact you about slightly higher International shipping cost if you order more volumes. 


The Divining Mind -by Terry Ross & Richard Wright  – Terry Ross was considered by many to be one of the best dowsers in the world. He devoted much of his life to dowsing and spiritual healing. The more my work evolves, the more I see connections to Terry & Richard’s work.


The Divining Hand:The 500-Year-Mystery of Dowsing -by Christopher Bird  If there is a definitive book on dowsing, this is it! Chris Bird was one of the leading dowsers in the world. He also co-wrote The Secret Life of Plants. Oversized book



Dowsing Pendulums – Metalr


Click here to see our Metal Pendulums




Spiritual Space Clearing with Joey Korn