The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe & The Divine Iliad

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The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe by Glenn Clark

The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe  by Glenn Clark

Hardback Edition

Only $12.00

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The Message of the Divine Iliad Volumes 1 & 2

Glenn Clark, searching for a versatile genius who knew and used universal law, and would be an inspiration to others, found Walter Russell, musician, illustrator, portrait painter, architectural designer, sculptor, business practices advisor to employees of International Business Machines, champion figure skater, natural scientist, philosopher and author.

“Can you give me the secret of your life?” asked Glenn Clark.

“I believe sincerely that every man has consummate genius within him. Some appear to have it more than others only because they are aware of it more than others are, and the awareness or unawareness of it is what makes each one of them into masters or holds them down to mediocrity. I believe that mediocrity is self-inflicted and genius is self-bestowed.  Every successful person I ever have known, and I have know a great many, carries within him the key which unlocks that awareness and lets in the universal power that has made him into a master.”

“What is that key?” queried Glenn Clark.

“That key is desire when it is released into the great eternal Energy of the universe.”

Through Glenn Clark’s world-famous biography of Walter Russell, who was known in his own time as the modern Leonardo da Vinci, the most versatile man in America, and the man who tapped the secrets of the universe, we meet the man, the artist and the man of action. Walter Russell in his own words discusses the nature of developing the genius inherent within, and reveals his personal “Five Laws of Success.”

Spanish and Italian Translations available.
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57 Pages

ISBN: 978-1-879605-07-7

The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 1   $25

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The Message of the Divine Iliad Volumes 1 & 2

Every person can become what he or she desires to be. Comprehension of universal law, the unity of all life, and the nature of communion with our Source will make it possible to attain any desired goal. To give that comprehension of the Cosmos is the purpose of The Message of the Divine Iliad.

286 pages 6” x 8 1/2″
Price Each: $20.00
ISBN: 978-1-879605-22-0

WALTER RUSSELL-The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 1

The Message of the Divine Iliad expresses the heart and soul of Walter Russell’s inspired philosophic cosmic thinking and knowing. He demonstrates that genius is inherent within everyone and that cosmic knowledge alone will make each person aware of his or her unique genius.

Every person can become what he or she desires to be. Comprehension of universal law, the unity of all life, and the nature of communion with our Source will make it possible to attain any desired goal. To give that comprehension of the Cosmos is the purpose of The Message of the Divine Iliad.

VOLUME I: Six books from The Message of the Divine Iliad:

Part I: The Book of Desire; The Book of Rest; Who Am I?; Cosmic Messengers; Salutation to the Day; Invocation for the Night

Part II: Ten Lectures by Walter Russell: Man’s Purpose on Earth; The Law of Balance; The Meaning of Universal Oneness; Universality; Are We Really Alive?; Genius Inherent In Everyone; Think; Knowing Versus Sensing; The Secret of Creative Expression; and The Secret of Man’s Power. Part III: Questions Answered by Walter Russell.

238 pages Hardback 6″ x 8 1/2″
Price Each: $25.00

WALTER RUSSELL – The Message of the Divine Iliad Volume 2

The Message of the Divine Iliad express the heart and soul of Walter Russell’s inspired philosophic cosmic thinking and knowing. He contends that genius is inherent within everyone and that cosmic knowledge alone will make each person aware of his or her unique genius.

Every person can become what he or she desires to be. Comprehension of universal law, the unity of all life, and the nature of communion with our Source will make it possible to attain any desired goals. To give that comprehension of the Cosmos is the purpose of The Message of the Divine Iliad.

VOLUME II: Three books from The Message of the Divine Iliad:
Part I: The Book of Love; The Book of Beauty; and The Book of Healing

Part II: Five Lectures: The New World-Thought; The Dawn of Cosmic Consciousness; The Reincarnation Principle; the Healing Principle; Scientific Answer to Sex Promiscuity (first Lecture); Scientific Answer to Sex Promiscuity (Second Lecture).

Part III: Questions Answered by Walter Russell.

ISBN: 978-1-879605-23-7
Price: $25.00

The Message of the Divine Iliad Volumes 1 & 2 by Walter Russell 

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Author: Glenn Clark

Spiritual Space Clearing with Joey Korn