About Joey & Jill and Dowsers.com

Click here to watch a short video from Joey and Jill.

I (Joey) have been passionately on my spiritual path for  45 years, and Jill & I have been doing this work full time for 22 years.

I couldn’t do this if not for the ever-present love and support of my dear wife.  2017 was the 20th Anniversary of our business and 40th Anniversary of our sacred marriage.

Jill is my “everything.”  Not only is she my best friend, an amazing wife, a loving and devoted mother, Jill is also an extraordinary person.

You’ll likely talk with Jill if you call us to order something, schedule a Remote Session, or register for a workshop or a retreat.  You’ll see what a remarkable person she is, just in the short time you might speak with her.

As wonderful as our life is, we often remind each other,

“The best is yet to come!”  

And it always does.  A great reminder of this is our favorite Van Morrison song, “Someone Like You.”  It’s “our song.”

We have three grown children, all of whom live fairly close to us, and we now have six wonderful, beautiful grandchildren.  You always hear that it’s special being a grandparent, but you can’t really “get it” until you are one.  It’s truly magical!

 Jill and I are honored that you have been led to our Web site, and we invite you to explore it further.  

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In this website, you can follow my journey, learn what has inspired me in life, and learn how to improve your own life through many free articles that are posted here at Dowsers.com. Use the links and menus at the top and within each page to navigate through the site.

Many people ask me, “What is it that you do? What is dowsing? What does finding a place to drill a water well have to do with being spiritual?”

For me, dowsing, or “divining”, is not just about finding a place to drill or dig a well or about finding anything in the physical world. It’s about detecting energy.

It’s about tapping into our own God-given ability to explore the world of subtle energies that are everywhere within and around us. It’s about drawing ever closer to the Divine in our lives.  That why I like the term “divining.”

Dowsing for me has become a way to demonstrate that the blessing process works. Not only does it work, but I consider it the most powerful Force in the universe. And everyone has this Force at their disposal. At their beckoned call. But we must call. We must initiate the process to use this Force.

It’s not enough just to recognize the blessings we have in life and to express gratitude for them, though that is important. We must call on whatever we consider the Divine to bless us if we want, purposefully, to use this Force that is ever-present in our lives. I help people understand what is going on energetically, behind the scenes in life.

With negative thoughts, actions and emotions, we fill and surround ourselves with detrimental, weakening energies. With positive thoughts, actions and emotions, we fill and surround ourselves with beneficial, healing energies.

And you can find and experience all these energies with dowsing! By understanding that this is taking place, day in and day out, we can take charge of the process with blessing, especially with what I call “the Simple Blessing Process.”

My primary work is Spiritual Space Clearing, both onsite and remote.   I don’t travel much anymore, so I mostly do remote clearings.

It’s not just about clearing homes and properties; it’s more about clearing people and helping others improve their lives and their relationships.

 Imbalances in people’s Human Energy Patterns are the primary causes of energy problems in homes.

The energies of your home are reflections of you, your immediate family, and your circle of extended family and friends.  It’s all about your relationships with others.

Learn more here:






Spiritual Space Clearing with Joey Korn