Kabbalah & the Tree of Life, and the Bed Pattern
If you haven’t at least read the Home Page or my “Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment” page, I suggest you do so before reading this story.
Click here to learn about my book, Dowsing: A Path to Enlightenment.
Over the past five years, I have used dowsing extensively to explore the energies in living environments, mostly in homes and offices. I have tuned in to a category of energies that are related directly to us as human beings.
As I continued to explore and work with these energies, they led me to a discovery that has totally changed the focus of my life work. It has led me full circle to my roots in Judaism, especially to Jewish mysticism or Kabbalah.
I consider these energies to be invisible rays of light suspended in time and space. When I explore these energies with dowsing, they extend from about knee to neck in height and are about just as wide. Where I find one, I always find another one intersecting it within a few feet.
An intersection of two or more of these rays of light creates a vortex. I first started finding them space in homes, especially in high-use areas, such as around desks, tables, chairs, and beds. I soon realized that they were also attached to human beings and can be attached to objects.
These rays of light create a unique pattern around beds, what I call the “Bed Pattern”. The energies around beds seem to have much to do with the health and well-being of whoever sleeps in them.
I use L-rods to find these energies. At first I thought they were energy leys, which dowsers consider to be beams of cosmic force that course the Earth. Intersections of two or more energy leys create power spots. These power spots can be found at sacred sites, such as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
Then I realized that the energies I was finding were more like rays of invisible light suspended in time and space and they are everywhere around us. They are like mini-leys, fractal versions of the major Earth energy leys.
They are like personal energy leys. Where I find one of these rays of light in a human living environment, I always find at least one other ray intersecting it nearby. A vortex is created wherever two or more of these lights intersect each other. everywhere around us. They are like mini-leys, fractal versions of the major Earth energy leys. They are like personal energy leys.
I got my first clue in 1997 as to what these energies are and how they get into our living environments. I discovered that, as human beings, we each have two lines of energy or rays of light that intersect us wherever we go. I believe that these lights anchor the soul to the body. We interact with everything around us, especially with subtle energies, through these “two lights of the soul.”
Click here to read my article, “The Two Lights of the Soul.”
I believe that, under God’s Universal Law, Nature supports our efforts with her energies, and she is non-judgmental in her support of us. When we have a passionate thought or emotion, Nature feeds us with an extra blast of energy.
We quite literally “flare up” and imprint our two lights in time and space. With negative emotions, like anger and fear, we imprint detrimental lights. With positive, joy-filled thoughts and emotions, we imprint beneficial lights.
We are constantly creating living vortexes that record our thoughts, actions, and emotions electrically in time and space. When we find detrimental intersecting lights (vortexes), we can change them to be beneficial with sincere, properly stated prayer.
I believe that this is part of the recording process of karma, how everything we think, say, and do is recorded in what Edgar Cayce called “the skeins of time and space,” in the Akashic Records or the Book of Life.
Exploring and Working with the Bed Pattern
As I continued to explore these energies, I began to find a repeating pattern of energies or lights around beds, or wherever people sleep. Although I realized from the beginning that most subtle energies could dowse as beneficial or detrimental, for some reason I only dowsed for beneficial energies as part of what I call the “Bed Pattern.” I saw the Bed Pattern as somehow different from the other lights and vortexes I have found; now I know they are very much related, though still different.
The lights around beds seem to come in pairs, though the paired lights don’t always intersect each other.
In the basic pattern I found in 1997, one parallel pair of lights crosses the head and foot of the bed.
Another pair crosses the bed like an X and another crosses it like a plus (+).
As I continued to study the energies around beds with dowsing, asking to find “beneficial lines of energy that are part of the Bed Pattern,” I seemed to find that some people had more of this building pattern of energies than others. People who were healthy and well-balanced seemed to have a more complete pattern. People who were ill seemed to be missing some of the elements of the pattern. (I later learned, however, that they weren’t “missing” at all.) A sincere and properly stated prayer, calling for healing and balance for that person, almost always seemed to bring in the basic pattern, though I wasn’t yet aware of the complete pattern. After restoring the pattern with prayer, people who were ill often seemed to get better, sometimes dramatically better. Others reported an increased sense of well-being.
In the fall of 1998, I explored the energies around the bed of a friend who was chronically depressed, still asking to find “beneficial” energies in the Bed Pattern. All I could find was the pair of lights (lines of energy) that crossed the head and the foot of my friend’s bed. I said a prayer for him, calling for his healing and balance, especially to help him with his depression, and immediately the basic pattern came in, including a pair of lights I hadn’t found before. These lights angled to intersect the corners at the head of the bed, intersecting each other beyond the bed. Within two days, my friend felt much better. He felt that he had been lifted out of his depression.
After I found this pair of angled lights around my friend’s bed, I began finding them around all beds, at least after saying a prayer for the healing and balance of that person. I didn’t find them before because, as I dowsed around the bed, the angled lines were very close to the line going across the head of the bed and I didn’t distinguish them. I found it this time by walking away from the bed at an angle.
Soon after that, I explored the energies around the bed of a friend who was in a coma. She had come out of the coma enough to make very basic responses, but still couldn’t speak. I only found two pairs of beneficial lines of energy in her Bed Pattern: the pair angling to intersect the corners of the head of the bed and the pair crossing the head and foot of the bed.
After saying my healing prayer, not only did I find the complete pattern that I was aware of, I found another pair of lights angled below the foot of the bed.
Two days later, my friend started talking for the first time in ten months. I then began finding these angled lights beyond the foot of other beds.
My friend is still far from her normal state of health, but her state of awareness has vastly improved.
Again, I hadn’t found this “new” pair lights or lines of energy before, beyond the foot of her bed, because of the way I was walking around beds as I dowsed. I was only looking for energies that intersected the bed. Now I know these energies are around all beds.
Later, another friend called me about his daughter-in-law. She’d had complications from stomach surgery and had slipped into a coma. She was in the intensive care unit of a local hospital. My friend had heard about my energy work and asked me to work with her. I went to the hospital and tuned into this lady’s Bed Pattern.
I said a prayer for her healing and balance, especially to bring healing and balance to her comatose condition. Immediately, I detected the complete pattern, as I knew it at the time. Again, two days later, she woke out of the coma and has since regained her normal health.
I’m willing to accept that all of these recoveries were merely circumstantial to my dowsing and prayer work, but I’m also willing to accept that what I did had something to do with the improvement in their conditions. One thing was for sure–there was something going on with the energies around people’s beds.
What was happening? Why does everyone have this same pattern? Why do parts of it seem missing and then almost magically appear after prayer? Why do they seem to have so much effect on our health and well-being.
Making the Kabbalah Connection
On June 8, 1999, I woke with a sinus headache. It’s interesting to me how I have some of my most productive and creative times when I have headaches, such as in my “Quest for the Blue Books and the Russell Connection to Dowsing” story. I relaxed and prayed often during the day, nursing my headache and trying to return to a state of wholeness. Late in the afternoon, as I was relaxing in bed, I felt compelled to reach over and grab a book from our headboard, Lawrence Kushner’s Honey from the Rock. It’s a beginner’s book on Jewish mysticism, on Kabbalah. It’s about how we can all find the sacred in everyday life events. I had met Rabbi Kushner a couple of months earlier when he gave several talks in the Augusta area, but I hadn’t read his book yet. I opened it to “any page,” which turned out to be Chapter 7, “The Light of Awareness“–filled with quotes from the Bible, from Kabbalah, and from Jewish sages about the Light of the Creator. Passage after passage seemed to be talking to me–helping me understand the light that I had been dowsing and working with for several years.
When I finished the chapter, I was in a state of awe. I said a prayer, thanking the Creator for guiding me to this book. I closed the book and instantly made the connection–the kabbalistic Tree of Life was on the cover. The Bed Pattern is the Tree of Life!
If the Bed Pattern really is the Tree of Life, I knew there were still more lights that I hadn’t found. I also knew immediately that the entire pattern had to be around everyone’s bed. The lights I hadn’t been finding obviously would have dowsed as detrimental and I was looking only for beneficial energies.
I jumped up, got out my dowsing rods, and dowsed around my bed. Sure enough, I found two more pairs of lights. One pair was along the sides of the bed, parallel to each other. The other pair angled to intersect even farther beyond the foot of the bed, parallel with the other angled lights. The complete pattern has seven pairs of lights. Again, I hadn’t found them before because of the way I walked around the beds as I was dowsing. The lights are so close together, it was hard to distinguish one from the other.
The major intersections create the ten Sefirot (plural for Sefirah) or spheres of energy in the Tree of Life. (I would call them vortexes.)
Each Sefirah represents a different attribute of God within mankind. In comparing the complete Bed Pattern with the Tree of Life, one major difference between the two patterns is obvious–the location of the sixth sefirah in the middle.
The similarities, however, are strikingly obvious. (If the Bed Pattern is the Tree of Life, I think the sixth Sefirah, Tifaret, really is in the middle.)
Kabbalah & the Tree of Life
According to kabbalistic teachings, when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, the Creator also gave Moses the entire written Torah, the first five books in the Old Testament. Not only did Moses receive the written Torah, he also received the oral Torah–the Kabbalah.
The Kabbalah reveals the real meaning behind the written Torah, which is in code. According to legend, Moses taught the oral Torah to the leaders of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
This was passed down orally from teacher to student for thousands of years until it was finally put in writing by several kabbalistic masters in the last few hundred years.
There is no single written work called Kabbalah; rather it is a collection of writings from these sages. Kabbalah is the essence of Jewish mysticism, and the Tree of Life is the central feature of Kabbalah.
There are several versions of the story of how the Tree of Life came into being. According to one version, in the beginning there was nothingness–only the eternal Light of the Creator. God’s Light was so powerful that nothing could exist in Its presence.
God desired to create, and the Eternal withdrew a portion of Itself, creating a vacuum–a void surrounded by Light. The Creator then penetrated this void with a single ray of Light, because with any more than this, nothing could exist. This Light entered a vessel that was created to hold it, the first
Sefirah, or sphere of energy, at the top of the Tree of Life. The single Light then divided into two lights, masculine and feminine, and entered two more vessels, illustrated by the spheres numbered 2 and 3.
These vessels couldn’t hold all of the Light and they shattered, creating an array of vessels in the pattern of the Tree of Life. So before anything was created in the Universe, this pattern of lights was put into place by the Creator.
The Tree of Life is divided into three columns containing ten Sefirot.
They are numbered from top to bottom, right to left as you look at the chart. Each Sefirah (singular) represents a different attribute of God in mankind.
Although there are different translations of the original Hebrew, the ten Sefirot represent:
1. Crown
2. Wisdom
3. Understanding
4. Loving kindness
5. Strength
6. Beauty
7. Victory
8. Splendor
9. Foundation
10. Kingdom.
The Tree of Life is Real
Many scholarly kabbalists see the Tree of Life only as a symbol to illustrate these Divine attributes. They see Kabbalah as a way to understand spiritual concepts intellectually.
Practicing kabbalists, however, who use kabbalistic techniques to enter ecstatic states of consciousness, see Kabbalah as a body of teaching to help humans draw closer to the Creator. To these kabbalists, the Tree of Life is a real pattern of energies or lights put into place by the Creator. Some kabbalistic masters have reported seeing the Tree of Life in a pattern of lights while in ecstatic states of mind.
I know it is a bold statement to say that I have found the Tree of Life with dowsing. I feel, however, with all my being that this is the Tree of Life, and I can teach just about anyone to find it and work with it.
I have taught six rabbis to dowse and all were able to find the Tree of Life, even though only two of them knew what I was guiding them to find. I am now working with noted authors and teachers of Kabbalah.
I can give them a tangible way to explore and work with the Tree of Life and they can help me understand more about what I am finding. Although Kabbalah has been adapted into other spiritual traditions, including Christianity and many “mystery schools”, I feel it important to begin my study of Kabbalah where it began, in Judaism.
I now know that the entire Tree of Life pattern is around everyone’s bed. I only found parts of it before because I was dowsing for beneficial energies (lights) that were part of the Bed Pattern. For some reason, I thought the Bed Patter was only beneficial.
Now I know that one or more of the pairs of lights can be out of balance and would dowse as detrimental. If one light dowses as detrimental or unbalanced, it’s mate will too.
A properly stated, sincere prayer transforms the detrimental lights to be beneficial, and it can help the person to heal. When more of the complete bed pattern seemed to “appear” after prayer, it was simply that detrimental or unbalanced lights had changed to be beneficial, bringing them into balance.
The Tree of Life pattern doesn’t actually come to beds; the pattern is around us and we imprint it around our beds. It is actually part of us.
When you change the energy pattern around your bed, you are actually changing your own Human Energy Pattern. Of course, if you don’t change the things in your life that created the “detrimental” elements of your pattern in the first place, they will return to the unbalanced state.